
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Palaui Island's hidden waterfalls, lighthouse ruins, and fleshy crabs

The greens and blues of Palaui Island stretch as far as the eye can see. It's no wonder that the island becomes the highlight of many travelers' trip to Cagayan Valley, where this natural beauty is located.

TWIST has visited the island last year, but its imposing charm is something that anyone would appreciate many times over. (To read the blog entry I posted last year, please click here.) Whereas last year it was gloomy when we got there, the sun was displaying its full power the day that we went back sometime in February this year. 

Though this is the second time I visited the place, there were still many firsts that I experienced together with fellow media people who were invited by the Philippine Tour Operators Association (Philtoa) to experience this side of the country (Disclosure: I covered for the Philippine Daily Inquirer).

There's so many things to look forward to on a visit to Palaui Island. There's the 45-minute ride from the Sta Ana pier (a journey in itself) to the island; Cape Engano, apparently the only place that had electricity once upon a time in the area; and, of course, the amazing view that awaited visitors after climbing stairs that take visitors to the lighthouse, 120 meters above sea level .

It was the first time, however, that I saw the "hidden waterfalls"--a place in the area that can be reached after a 10-minute walk through a forested area called the "Leonardo's Triail" (see pictures below). There, the water is pure and sparkling clean--perfect to douse off the summer heat. It is a crime not to take a dip! :)

It was also the first time that I tasted the fleshy crab that is local to the area called "gamaru." For this, we asked an island resident, Ate Maya, to cook for us while we enjoy the hike to the lighthouse. After our sightseeing in the top, lunch was waiting for us. Not only did we get deliciously and cheap lunch (P100 per kilo; about 8 pieces of crabs), we also helped a resident and her family earn something for the day. 

Later, I shall make a separate list of practical tips visitors might want to consider if they want a more fruitful trip to Palaui Island. Watch out for that! For now, enjoy these sumptuous photos TWIST took just for you! :)

- Batanes-like view from a lighthouse in Cagayan Valley
- The Majestic Callao Cave of Cagayan Valley
- Pinacanauan River's clean water and gorgeous sunset
- 10 interesting facts about Cagayan Valley

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