
Monday, October 03, 2016

SuperShirtsMNL launches today!

Today marks the official launch of SuperShirtsMNL, a start-up clothing brand that yours truly has been working on for months. Suffice it to say, I'm happy and nervous and excited and optimistic--and nervous. Ha!

Growing up, I've always wanted to become an entrepreneur.  And while I never thought I'll be putting up a clothing brand, SuperShirtsMNL feels like a very good place to start learning the ropes of running a business.

While we're starting small, selling shirts online initially, my vision is to put up actual stores in commercial establishments. Think Bench or Team Manila. We'll get there eventually. One step at a time.

For now, I'm focused on the branding behind SuperShirtsMNL. I'm hoping that our unique shirt designs and marketing smarts give the brand a different enough personality to take off.

The short term goal is to build a good name and sell enough shirts to allow us to expand to clothing items aside from regular shirts.

SuperShirtsMNL was months in the making. What a journey it was putting everything together, and I'll know there are tons more I'll learn as we establish this brand.

I'm not in this alone. I am working with a very good friend of mine, Gio Miniano, whose skills in graphic design is simply wicked. We had produced several shirts together for our group, Mariah Carey Philippines. And we've found we collaborate well.

I see this as a long term business venture, something I'd invest my time in for years to come. So for those who had helped--and will help--me along the way, a big thank you this early. Let this be the start of my business empire. Ha! :)

*** Shop for shirts at our Facebook Page SuperShirtsMNL . Follow SuperShirtsMNL on Instagram and Twitter at @supershirtsmnl . Thanks! ***