
Thursday, January 02, 2014

TWIST's Top 10 favorite foreign films of 2013

It was another solid year for foreign movies in 2013--with many high-concept movies finding their rightful place in the mainstream arena.

Last year, my list of favorite films from abroad was dominated by superhero movies, which makes their absence in this year's edition all the more noticeable. Don't get me wrong, I still showed up for the Thor and Iron Man movies, but they are not nearly as fun as 2012's "The Avengers," which topped my list that year.

As the huge horror fan that I am, I was delighted that 2013 was a super strong year for the genre. In 2011, "Insidious" was my most fave movie. This year, I was torn awarding the top spot between the sequel "Insidious: Chapter 2" and the space-adventure "Gravity." Scroll down to find out who won. :)

I'm not an expert movie critic, just an avid film lover. So, of course, the criteria here is purely personal taste. This list does not include my fave Filipino films of 2013--we'll have a separate list for that later this month.

I couldn't have watched every great movie that was released in 2013. So if you're fave isn't in this list, it's probably cause I didn't get the chance to catch them. Sound off in the comments section below though, if you feel like sharing your own faves. :)

Out of the 31 foreign films (released in 2013) that I saw in the cinemas this year, here are my top faves. 

10. Olympus has fallen
          The scary thing about the concept of the movie (the White House being taken over by terrorists from North Korea), is it could very well happen in real life. The action scenes are thrilling and has provided many hands-in-heaving-chest moments for me. I like the tone of the movie, right from the opening scene. Oh, I don't have to mention that the mere fact that Gerard Butler and Aaron Eckhart star in the movie warrants this film a place in my top 10, now, do I? *wink*

9. Turbo
           A snail that wants to race? I thought that was interesting--and it was. The animation was top notch, the story relateable to adults and kids alike, and the characters lovable to no end. I read somewhere that they'll expand the Turbo universe into a series for television. I think that's a clever idea. I hope a sequel is in the works, too.

8. Despicable me 2
          Who does not love--love!!!--the minions?! Story-wise, we love the first one better. But the characters' cuteness is enough to get my fabulous butt in the movie house to see the film. It's interesting, too, to see such adult topics--adoption, having a new stepmom--being touched upon in a kid-friendly manner.

7. The Heat
          One view of the trailer and I knew I was gonna love this. How could I not? Mellisa McCarthy and Sandra Bullock star in the film. Their chemistry is amazing and their brand of comedy refreshing. I'm looking forward to seeing more films starring actors with such charisma like that of Bullock and McCarthy.

6. The Call
          I still wonder why this film didn't quite shake the box office charts when it was released earlier this year. Halle Berry's performance was A+ and the film's concept original. It's one of those movies where you find yourself rooting for the characters, urging them on to save the day. Of course, you also find yourself cursing the antagonist and mentally jumping with joy once we get to the ending (and you'll have to watch the movie yourself cause I won't tell why). 

5. Upside Down
          What a world this movie has created for us. I keep picturing myself in this weird, albeit truly fascinating reality. Of course we need a love story to tie everything up, yeah? This film kind of reminded me of 2011's "Source Code," if only for the complicated plot lines the movie takes.

4. The Conjuring
           I was amazed (but not entirely surprised) at how successful this film became. The people behind this movie turned what could have been a rather generic and tired story line of a haunted house film into something creepy, interesting, and engaging, making it more accessible even to non-horror fanatics. Of course, the presence of Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga was a huge factor in the film's likeability-o-meter in my books.

3. The Purge
          Out of the many high-concept, low-budget films in the past five years or so, this one stands out because of its originality, seamless execution, and unexpected twists. Oh, and the marketing was brilliant. Come on! Whose interest wouldn't be piqued at the line "One night a year. All crimes are legal"? I'm not sure if they could ever make a sequel out of this film, but I truly hope they do.

2. Insidious: Chapter 2
          Few films succeed at creating sequels that expand the first outing's universe without disrespecting the previous material. I like that the movie kept the tone similar to the first one. The characters the film creators have crafted are superb. There are the scenes with the expected shock factor, but over-all, the film delivers an intelligent scare.  

1. Gravity
          I've always fancied going to space and look at the Earth from an astronaut's perspective. But more than the adventure and the hold-your-breath moments in this film, I love how the human spirit and the will to survive are front and center. Imagine if you were in Sandra Bullock or George Clooney's shoes, err, space suits. You're all alone out there and there's no one to help you. Good luck with that! I love how it's not until the triumphant ending that the film allows its viewers to breathe normally. A #1 well deserved! :)

Runners up: "Identity Thief;" "Stoker;" "Evil Dead;" "Fast & Furious 6;" and "Frozen"

Related blog entries:

- TWIST's Top 10 fave Filipino films of 2013
- TWIST's 10 fave foreign films of 2012
- TWIST's 10 fave foreign films of 2011

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