
Saturday, December 28, 2013

While I was away: A quick catch-up about my life

I feel terrible. The last time I posted a blog entry was more than a month ago. And I've noticed I've only had four blog entries in the past two months. For this, I sincerely apologize.

There are reasons for this, of course. At the risk of sounding like I'm counting down excuses, my absence here has a lot to do with a business venture my family and I started which has taken a lot of my time in recent months. We opened a Bayad Center franchise (a bills payment business) in Tiaong, Quezon last October. I've been meaning to write our experience so far, and hopefully this holiday break would allow me to do so.

A lot has happened in the last couple months since I posted a personal blog entry like this--Supertyphoon Yolanda happened, for one. I had the chance to visit the hardest-hit areas in Leyte and Samar last November, a month after they were ravaged. Earlier this month, too, I was given the opportunity to visit Bohol, which was rocked by a massive earthquake several weeks before Yolanda hit the country.

I know it's probably not right to say this, but I feel privileged to have gotten the chance to see first-hand how those disaster-stricken area looked like. It's one thing to see images of destruction in pictures, but it's truly another thing seeing them in person.

Suffice it to say, I think those trips have changed my life. It really gave me perspective about the problems I have and how I deal with them.

Veering away from a rather sad tangent, I'm happy to announce that I haven't had a drop of soda in over three months now. This is a huge thing coming from someone who would drink at least a can of soda (hello Coke Zero!) every day. I consider this one of the best decisions I've made this year.

Then, of course, there was December 13. That's always a special day to me because that was the date I got hired as part of the Philippine Daily Inquirer. So, yes, I've been with the company for the past seven years. Seven-freaking-years! Who would have thought I'd last that long at the job? Not me! Ha!

As for travel, the only international trip I've had for the past two months is a 4-day visit to Korea. (See photo above! :D ) If you're connected to me through one of the social networks out there, you'd know this through the photos I've posted. I have yet to post a substantial entry about that trip though. Ughh! Will do very soon!

That's about it--for now. I'm working on the lists of my favorite movies, songs, and albums for the year. Hopefully, I get those in early next month. And I will definitely do my best to post more entries here as much as time possible.

For now, I wish you all a HAPPY AND HEALTHY HOLIDAYS!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Kenneth! :) way to go! :) 2014 will be another fabulous year for you and your family! :) happy new you and happy new year! :)
