
Friday, March 09, 2012

The majestic Callao Cave of Cagayan Valley

One of Cagayan Valley's most famous tourist spots, without doubt, is the imposing Callao Cave in a town called Penablanca (a 30-minute drive from capital city Tuguegarao). This site, apparently, is where the remains of the oldest individuals in the Philippines has been dug up.

The cave, one of the many in this side of the country, features seven chambers--including a man-made church where special Masses are held once in a while. Unfortunately, because of the slippery ground, guides recommend to see only five of the seven chambers.

Perfect time to visit is around 4:30pm, so you'll have ample time to check out the amazing rock formations that nature has carved for us. This also allows you to witness the millions of bats that go out of the cave every 6pm to feed (more of this later in a separate blog entry).

This is the third time I've been to Cagayan Valley (and second time to visit Callao Cave) but going back to this place every time remains a must-do. 

Listen to the guides (look for Gerald or Andoy), who are very knowledgeable about facts and trivia about the Callao Cave. While visit to the area is free, please do not forget to give the guides the tip they deserve (this is their livelihood). :)

Definitely worth checking out when you're in this side of town. Enjoy the photos :)


- Pinacanauan River's clean water and gorgeous sunset
- 10 interesting facts about Cagayan Valley
- Batanes-like view from a lighthouse in Palaui Island


  1. There are different places in the world that could be rarely seen and to go through but the magnificent prefecture we went through with the torrents scenery and nature attraction was in Callao Caves. I was amazed a lot of 7 chamber sections which has different story-lines for every stalactites and stalagmites. In this wonderful location you will be experiencing, the extravagant adventure in deep excavation of pre-historic era on how does that Callao Cave has made.

    Jennifer Viloria

  2. Hi Jennifer, thanks for the comment! In fact, I am fortunate enough to have been in that cave not once but twice. I am humbled every single time. God's gift to us all! :)

  3. welcome! You really a good writer, indeed! All of the blog posts here are informative and descriptive. Were hoping you to join the event on cagayanvalley.

    See you there!:)
