
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

5 years with Inquirer / 5 things I love about it

I turn 5 with the Inquirer today! (Wow, really?!?!?!)

When I was hired with the #1 newspaper in the country exactly five years ago (December 13, 2006), I thought it was just my luck. Five years later, I know it's more than that. It was not just luck, it was--and is--a blessing.

I remember going back and forth at the head office in Makati City when I was processing my application, taking all the tests and attending the panel interviews. It was my first job ever and to still be with them, I think, speak volume of how I am enjoying my time there.

There are a hundred things I love about working with PDI, but I'm enumerating only five of them, in honor of the number of years I've been with this esteemed company. Here they are:

1. Prestige
          I have no doubt that it's also nice to work at equally big companies such as Ayala or Smart, but I don't think people there get the same treatment as those who work for the media--whether those people (we!) deserve it or not. I am fortunate enough to have been with a company which is known by virtually everyone in the country (so I don't need to explain myself often). Then and now, I have always been--and will always be--proud that I am part of the Inquirer family in my own little (festive!) way. :)

2. Working environment
          As a writer, I am not required to stay in the office the whole time. This works for me because I can never (ever!) do a 8am-to-5pm job for long. I need to walk around! When I was in the US, my friends and family there would ask me why I wasn't looking for a job there. I told them to refer me to a job that allows me to have a 7-week off (the entire length of my last vacation there) and i might very well consider. :)

3. Good pay, great benefits
          I've talked to several people from other newspapers and it astounds me to know how primitive some of their employee policies are. Thank God we have a working union group at the Inquirer (of which I am one of the officers, thank you very much), which helps keep our pay and benefits in check. Aside from having excellent health benefits, we have mid year bonuses, rice allowance, transportation and cell phone allowances (not all employees have these though), profit sharing (every March), 13th month pay, Christmas bonus, and CBA bonuses (every three years), among others.

4. The perks
          Aside from the monetary perks, I've also had the privilege to attend events and activities exclusive for the media. As a writer, I've interviewed and met celebrities. As if attending these events aren't yet enough perks, these events usually raffle off prizes--few of which I've been lucky enough to win--including an iPod touch (two now!); a Nokia phone with a 2-year plan included; a Nikkon digital camera with projector; and a plane ticket to Korea, among many others.

5. Working with heroes
          With our hectic work schedule, it's easy to forget how the paper has started. Until today, many of the people who have shed blood and tears to put this company up are still working with us and I am humbled by this fact. I know I am working with modern day heroes and I can only be thankful for the opportunity. Our president, Ms Sandy Prieto, knows almost all of us by name! As for workmates, not everyone is my bestfriend, if I may be honest, but I have found many individuals worthy of keeping in my personal circle of friends. :)

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