
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

PHOTOS: Gran Hotel La Florida in Barcelona

"You're hotel is up there!" the driver who picked me up from the airport in Barcelona said, pointing one finger to the direction of a mountain overlooking the city.

It takes about 30 minutes to get there but I shouldn't worry because the view on the way is quite nice, our driver said. He wasn't kidding. Along the way, we were treated to some very elegant Spanish houses. We also saw lot of bikers and runners sweating it out despite the cold weather.

The Gran Hotel La Florida's beauty became apparent as soon as our vehicle was close enough to see the details. From its imposing location up in the mountains, we knew we'll have a splendid view of the whole of Catalan.

When we finally got there, we were greeted by a very friendly staff, who ushered us to our rooms. But not before I surveyed the lobby and the foyer, which is gorgeous, but isn't intimidating at all. You get the feeling they really out the best interior designers to work. The place is both cozy, warm, and inviting. Stylish and classic-looking, too.

Let me now rave about my room. GORGEOUS! Comfy bed, sturdy study table, and a bathroom big enough it could be another hotel room. Oh, we had Evian for water for the four days we stayed there.

I was in Barcelona, of course, to attend the Mobile World Congress last February. I stayed at the Gran Hotel La Florida with other media delegates from Thailand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Indonesia. I was covering for the Philippine Daily Inquirer through an invite by tech giant Lenovo.

While I super love the Gran Hotel La Florida, don't just take my word for it. Check out these photos I took. Enjoy! :)


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