
Saturday, October 26, 2013

7 Things to remember when wearing your earphones

From having Walkmans to CD players to iPods to our very own smartphones today, it's obvious we're a nation of audiophiles. We are a bunch of people who love listening to music (or watching videos, for that matter) wherever we please.

Of course, doing so almost always requires having our trusty earphones lodged in our pretty ears so we enjoy the best auditory experience we could possibly have. And while that's cool, there could be consequences in wearing these earphones (or headphones), especially if we're outdoors. I mean, come to think of it, with earphones, we're essentially one sense down.

Here are 7 things we should best remember every single time we use our earphones. It's for our own good, I promise. :)

1. Be weary of people who sneeze and cough near you.
          Ethics would dictate that when we sneeze or cough in public that we should cover our ears and mouths, preferably with a handkerchief or tissue. Unfortunately, not everyone does this. Many people would sneeze or cough as if doing so ain't spreading bacteria and viruses, which could lead to diseases. So we have to take it upon ourselves to cover our respective noses and mouths, especially when we're in a cramped space (elevator) or in an airconditioned place (bus, car). The bad news is that with earphones and blaring sounds on, we might miss hearing anyone behind us cough or sneeze and we'd be defenseless. Icky!

2. Watch out for cars (and kariton!) while crossing the road.
          Obviously, it's imperative that we be careful when crossing the road. But this is doubly true when you have your earphones on. You'd have to rely on your visuals alone so you're more prone to accidents. With earphones on, you won't be able to hear cars honking or people screaming at you for warning of danger.

3. You might come off as offish or indifferent.
          There's a fine line between being cool and arrogant. Wearing kick-ass earphones could, in fact, add to our cool factor, but at what cost? A person who said "thank you" might be expecting a "you're welcome" reply, assuming you heard his or her word of gratitude. If you don't reply to the message, they might think you're an a-hole.

4. You might be missing out on learning new things.
          I would never advise eavesdropping on people's conversations. But you've got to admit, we could potentially learn valuable information just by listening to what the people at the next table at the cafe, or people beside you in the jeep, might be talking about. I was at the bus once and people behind me were talking about the latest modus operandi of robbers. Their conversation was inescapable. Either way, I did learn something new. With earphones on, it's like we've closed our eyes and we see nothing new.

5. Not everyone would appreciate repeating questions twice (or thrice) for you.
          For some reason, there are people who prefer to keep their earphones on (or perhaps in one ear) while having a conversation with someone. This is just plain rude, buddy. Either you want to listen to whatever you're listening to, or pay proper attention to the person in front of you. Personally, I hate repeating what I'm saying in a conversation. So there.

6. You might miss a reunion with an old friend or acquaintance.
          When I was in New York, there was a friend of mine who I've been meaning to meet up while I was on vacation. We couldn't get a common free time though and I was about to go back to the Philippines in a couple of days. But lo and behold, while I was in the subway, someone called my name. Guess who? The friend who I've been trying to set up a meeting with for weeks! Imagine if I had my earphones on. We'd have missed that impromptu chance of a chit-chat.

7. It's an earphone, not a loud speaker.
          However proud you are of what you're listening to, chances are the person next to you isn't interested in it. I understand if you want your music loud (I am like this when it's Mariah), but there are people who blast out their audio. And this could be annoying. So let's try to clean our ears instead before leaving the house so we don't have to work the volume button too much.

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