
Sunday, April 01, 2012

Pinacanauan River's clean water and gorgeous sunset

As if the majestic beauty of Cagayan Valley's Callao Cave isn't enough to draw people to the town of Penablanca, the breathtaking and serene Pinacanauan River makes the trip even more memorable and awe-inspiring.

The Pinacanauan River is the "cleanest and smallest" among the three tributaries that meet the Cagayan River, according to our guide. And having visited the place twice (the first time about three years ago), I have to agree with him on this one. The water in the river is quite simply pure and untainted.

Local boatmen are on standby to take passengers on a peaceful ride along the river for a minimum fee. A boat ride allows individuals to get to an area suitable for swimming or more picture taking.

People who don't want to swim, on the other hand, can opt to ask the boatmen to take them to a place where they can observe hundreds of thousands of bats come out of the Callao Cave to look for dinner. The bats come out at exactly 6pm (more of this on a separate blog entry later).

When our group went here last March, the weather was fantastic. The view of the sunset was priceless! The sunset glistening in the water is gorgeous to the tee. People living in the area are lucky to have that as part of their every day lives.

Kudos to the local government for installing a tourism center where individuals or group of travelers can ask for assistance. For now, enjoy these photos! :)

The Majestic Callao Cave of Cgayan Valley
- 10 interesting facts about Cagayan Valley
- Batanes-like view from a lighthouse in Palaui Island

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