
Friday, March 16, 2012

My love affair with running ... so far! :)

Running is a religion, they say. And I couldn't agree more to that very apt statement. Running is discipline; it is a decision; it is a commitment; it is a love affair.

I could think of other sweet words and sugary adjectives to describe how running has become a big part of my life in the last few months, but I think you get the picture.

Since the top of the year, when I decided to seriously go back to running, my daily routine has changed drastically (for the better) to accommodate my running sessions--more sleep; less time in front of the computer; more "me time," etc.

Since January 26 (my first run after six months of zero running), I've covered a total of 151.4 kilometers; burned 11,309 calories; and a total of 15 hours and 28 minutes of running time. The stats are courtesy of my Nike+ GPS which tracks my pace, calories burned, duration, and total number of runs, among many others. (I'll do a separate blog entry about this festive app).

So far, the farthest distance I've covered is 12 kilometers with a time of 1:14:03. Tomorrow, however, in the Be Honest Run Race, I'm running the 15-kilometer category. That would be the first time I'm ever going to attempt to run such an ambitious distance.

My goal is to finally be able to run a full marathon (42 kilometers) by the end of the year. [A little history: My first ever race was back in July 2008 and I've never got past the 10k category until this running revival earlier this year.]

I initially got back into running to lose some weight (which I've packed from one vacation to another). And I wasn't disappointed. So far, I've lost 1.3 inches off my waistline and about 4 lbs since I started running again. And I know I'll be able to achieve more in time.

My only hope is that, this time around, I don't lose this winning streak again. With help and encouragement from fellow runners and the visible results I get from it, I do believe I'll be at this for the long haul.

Different people run for different reasons. I run because I'm addicted to it; I know it's good for my health. I know it's the fastest way to drop the unwanted pounds. I use the time to think; to digest; to plan; to daydream; to pray.

Here's to having unlimited energy, determination, strength, will power, opportunity and resources to finish every run on a high note. Run run run! :D


  1. and im sure this coming sunday april 15 you are joining the earth run... am i correct?

  2. / I was supposed to. But there were no more slots when I tried to register! :(
